Best of Amateur Telescope Making, Vol. 1 (Issues 1 through 11)
Edited by William J. Cook
Product Information: 462 pages, 408 illustrations (ATMJ's issues 1 through 11).
Over a period spanning nearly 10 years Amateur Telescope Making Journal published articles of interest to the telescope maker. The Best of Amateur Telescope Making presents 150 the best of these articles, fully edited and where appropriate corrected by the original authors, in two volumes totaling nearly 900 pages with 692 illustrations. These are ""How to Books"" that cover a wide range of subjects of interest to people who design, build and use telescopes for astronomy. A sampling of the subjects are as follows:
Unobstructed Reflecting Telescopes
17.5-Inch Binocular
A Schupmann Medial Telescope
A Wood and Aluminum Split-Ring Telescope
Industrial Fabrication of Small Lenses
Sub-Aperture Maksutov Correctors
The Stevick-Paul Off-Axis Reflecting Telescope
A New Equatorial Platform Design
The Eye and the Use of Telescope Optics
Improve Your Telrad
The Krupa Collimator
Telescopes For CCD Imaging
The Maksutov Telescope: Past and Present
Binocular Collimation
Tips for the Big Dobsonian Builder
The Voyager Binocular Telescope
Veiling Glare
Making Schmidt Correctors
YOLO Reflector
Annular Baffles for Barlow Lenses
Rangefinders and Stereo Telescopes"