Mathematical Astronomical Morsels V
By Jean Meeus.
Product Information: Hardbound, 6 by 9 inches, 373 pages.
In 1997 Jean Meeus wrote Mathematical Astronomical Morsels a collection of about 60 chapters on various aspects of mathematical astronomy that were independent of one another and that could be read in any order. Each were updated versions of articles written at different times and for several different European and Canadian journals, principally Heelal, the monthly journal of the Belgian Dutch-language astronomical society ‘Vereniging voor Sterrenkunde’ (VVS).
Five years later (2002) More Mathematical Astronomical Morsels appeared with 75 chapters divided into six categories: The Moon, Eclipses and Occultations, Planetary Motions, Planetary Phenomena, On the Celestial Sphere and Varia.
Two years later (2004) Mathematical Astronomy Morsels III was published with 57 chapters divided into six categories: The Moon, Eclipses, Planetary Motions, Planetary Phenomena, On the Celestial Sphere and Varia.
Three years later (2007) Mathematical Astronomy Morsels IV appeared and Jean Meeus wrote “To our surprise, there are still more interesting subjects in the field of mathematical astronomy, whence this fourth collection of Morsels.” Morsels IV contains 68 chapters divided into six categories: The Moon, Eclipses, Occultations, Planetary Motions, Planetary Phenomena and Varia.
And now, just two years later (2009) Mathematical Astronomy Morsels V! Here Jean Meeus writes “Since the publication of our 4th Morsels book, we have accumulated a lot of new and interesting subjects in the field of mathematical astronomy, and there were enough of them to fill this fifth collection of Morsels. Apparently, an infinite number of possible topics do remain”. Morsels V contains 69 chapters divided into six categories: The Moon, Eclipses and Occultations, Planetary Phenomena and Varia. Additionally there is a cumulative Index for all five volumes along with corrections to Morsels I and IV.