Planisphere, 40 Degrees North
Format: Chart
Sky & Telescope's planisphere replots our iconic monthly star chart for use any time of the year. Along with our iconic constellation figures, we also include accurately marked star brightnesses and famous deep-sky objects. All planispheres suffer from distortion, especially toward the south, so we've included a second chart on the back that offers a less-distorted view of the southern sky. The full-color Star Wheel is easy to read in daylight or at night under a red flashlight. It even accommodates daylight-savings time.
This product is available at 30 degrees South, 30 degrees North, and 50 degrees North.
What Sky & Telescope's Camille Carlisle has to say:
"Our star wheel (also called a planisphere) is a great grab-and-go tool for exploring the night sky. It also makes a great gift for kids just getting interested in astronomy. (Just make sure to get the one for the correct latitude — don't give the 40 degrees north one to someone in the Southern Hemisphere!)"
ISBN 13: 9781931559119