Sky Atlas 2000.0 Desk Laminated
By Wil Tirion & Roger W. Sinnott
Format: Spiral Bound
The standard against which all other star atlases are measured. Each edition of Sky Atlas 2000.0 contains 26 large charts covering the whole sky, showing 81,312 single, multiple, and variable stars down to magnitude 8.5 and 2,700 of the best deep-sky objects scattered among them. Includes closeup charts of special areas such as the celestial poles and the Virgo-Coma galaxy region. This is the next step up from our Pocket Sky Atlas – and a must for every serious telescope user!
Desk Edition Laminated Edition:
- Stars and deep-sky objects are black on a white background
- 18 1/2 x 13 1/2 inches
- Spiral bound along the top
- Pages are plastic laminated