Sky & Telescope December 2020 Magazine
In the December 2020 issue of Sky & Telescope, we’re preparing for the best meteor shower of the year and talking about dust. The Geminids peak on December 13–14, and we’ve got tips for watching. We also dig into cosmic dust — meteors and otherwise — which colors every aspect of our view of the universe. Dust’s most important ingredient, perhaps, is carbon, and we trace its history from the solar system’s earliest years to find out what why Earth developed with just the right amount of it. While watching the Geminids this month, why not break out the astrophotography gear and do a little science with the stars? We detail exactly how to measure stellar brightness using amateur equipment. Speaking of stars, how do plants get along without one (at least for a little while)? As totality shadows Argentina and Chile this month, we find out what plants in our front yard think about totality.