Sky & Telescope March 2022 Magazine
In the March 2022 issue of Sky & Telescope, scientists examine a conundrum: Two ways of measuring the expansion rate of the universe continue to yield different results, and additional data and more precise measurements have only heightened the discrepancy. Could both results be correct? And as astronomers discover more giant exoplanets and brown dwarfs with the same masses, they may need to take another look at how we differentiate between these objects. Plus, we’ve scoped out the cream of the crop from the 74 objects that William and Caroline Herschel discovered on the night of April 11, 1785. (If you’re up for a challenge, there’s a link below to the full list of objects in the Herschel Hustle.) Finally, most will recognize Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon from the boundary line that bears their name, but learn how they got their start — by observing the 1761 transit of Venus.