Sky & Telescope October 2020 Magazine
In the October 2020 issue of Sky & Telescope, we’re getting ready for the best view of Mars until 2035 with our favorite images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter as well as observing tips as the Red Planet reaches opposition. Meanwhile, enjoy our list of stunning globular clusters to add to any big telescope’s bucket list. Early October is also a great time to hunt for geostationary satellites — and photograph them too. On cloudy nights, cozy up with the latest from NASA’s Fermi space telescope, which has revealed the most detailed views of gamma-ray-emitting objects we’ve seen so far. We cover gamma-ray astronomy and what telescopes like Fermi can tell us about supernovae and other energetic events. Also this month, learn how to make the most out of those rare nights when conditions are perfect for astrophotography by attaching two telescopes to a single mount.