Binocular Astronomy, 2nd Edition
Binocular Highlights, Second Edition
Bright Star Atlas
Clyde Tombaugh: Discoverer of Pluto
Engineering, Design and Construction of String Telescopes
Epic Moon
Fundamental Ephemeris Computations
Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics
How to Make a Telescope, 2nd Ed.
Interferometry for Amateur Telescope Makers
Introduction to Digital Astrophotography, 2nd Ed.
Introduction to Lens Design
Introduction to Observing and Photographing the Solar System
Introduction to Webcam Astrophotography
Jumbo Pocket Sky Atlas, Second Edition
Magnificent Aurora
Making a Refractor Telescope
Manual for Amateur Telescope Makers
Mathematical Astronomical Morsels III
Mathematical Astronomical Morsels IV
Mathematical Astronomical Morsels V
Mathermatical Astronomical Morsels I
Men, Monsters and the Modern Universe
Methods of Orbit Determination