Introduction to Webcam Astrophotography
Introduction to Observing and Photographing the Solar System
Introduction to Lens Design
Interferometry for Amateur Telescope Makers
How to Make a Telescope, 2nd Ed.
Fundamental Ephemeris Computations
The Dobsonian Telescope
Binocular Astronomy, 2nd Edition
Astrophysics with a PC
Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Edition
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 8
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 7
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 6
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 5
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 4
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 3
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 2
Annals of the Deep Sky Volume 1
3D Astronomy with JAVA
Uranometria 2000.0 Atlas - Deep Sky Field Guide
Engineering, Design and Construction of String Telescopes
Solar Astronomy Handbook
Schupmann Telescope