Messier Card
Planisphere, 40 Degrees North
2025 Skygazer's Almanac, 40 degrees North
Bright Star Planisphere
Caldwell Card
Mystic Mountain Puzzle
Planisphere, 30 Degrees North
Let's Go Stargazing Flyer
Planisphere, 50 Degrees North
Sky & Telescope's Mars Puzzle
Test Constellation Chart - North Circumpolar Region
British Astronomical Association Chart Of The Heavens
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: How Far is the Galactic Center
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: The Rotation Of Saturn and Its Rings
Constellation Chart - North Circumpolar Region
2025 Skygazer's Almanac, 50 degrees North
Planisphere, 30 Degrees South
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: Spectral Classification
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: Cepheid Variables and the Cosmic Distance Scale
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: Star-Cluster Distances and the Dustiness of Space
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: The Orbit Of Mars
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: Hubble's Law
Answer Sheet - Spectral Classification Lab
Test Constellation Chart - Equatorial Region