Planisphere, 30 Degrees North
Planisphere, 40 Degrees North
Planisphere, 50 Degrees North
Planisphere, 30 Degrees South
Bright Star Planisphere
Ecliptic Map
British Astronomical Association Chart Of The Heavens
Caldwell Card
Messier Card
Finest Deep-Sky Objects (Reprint)
Rotation of the Sun
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: The Rotation Of Saturn and Its Rings
Aitoff's Equal Area Projection Of The Sphere
Inner-Planet Curtate Orbits - Mercury To Mars
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: The Orbit of a Visual Binary
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: The Earth's Orbital Velocity
List Of Stars On Ecliptic Map
Test Star Chart - Ecliptic Map
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: Star-Cluster Distances and the Dustiness of Space
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: How Far is the Galactic Center
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: The Wilson-Bappu Effect
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: The Orbit Of Mars
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: Quasars
Lab Exercises in Astronomy: The Rotation of Mercury